Ifc Viewer

This Ifc Viewer built using Xeokit library and deployed here. Underneath the hood, Xeokit utilizes WebGL graphics library, along with other web technologies like Javascript.
Ifc files can be directly used here to visualize. However, Xeokit recommends, conversion of .ifc to .gltf/.gltb or .xkt (which is a proprietory version of Xeokit) for faster loading time, especially for larger models. This particular model has been converted to .xkt for optimized loading.
I'm also exploring ThreeJs and IfcJs as another variant of Ifc Viewer.

Again, this portfolio website itself is developed in NuxtJs framework.

Click link here

Tech Used: Xeokit, WebGL, ThreeJs, IfcJs, NuxtJs, VueJs, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Tailwindcss

Generation of Ifc from 2D CAD

Generating an Ifc model from 2D CAD drawing is very interesting concept. Here, I've developed algorithms to read a CAD .dxf/.dwg file and parse the different types of data required for the generation of an Ifc model. The algorithm can retrieve data from geometry or even meta data from the cad elements. This enables extremely fast and error free way to generate a BIM model (LOD 300). This also reduces the cost of developing a BIM model as it does not require BIM expertise and no expensive software.
Since a 2D cad is not standardised, different architects/engineers have practices of drafting CAD. But, all it takes is bit of processing of the CAD file to be eligible to parse it through the algorithms

Image shows the Ifc model generated from the 2D CAD. Ifc model is opened with BlenderBIM

Tech Used: IFC Data Schema, IfcOpenShell, CAD library, python, pandas, Javascript

OpenBIM for DFMA

DFMA, offsite-construction, industrialized, prefab, modular!!! I guess there are quite a few ways of describing construction which can be planned and done separately from the traditional 'on-site' methods of construction.
OpenBIM and IFC data schema can really be put to develop extremely powerful applications that can automate the authoring of BIM models along with geometry, property and relationship and also retrieve data required for the multiple stages of the project. Automating the authoring can aid in the creation of voids or new elements that are not explicitly mentioned. These are rule-based and can fasten the authoring multifold.
I have developed various algorithms and codes that can be used in DFMA based construction.

Tech Used: IFC Data Schema, IfcOpenShell, BlenderBIM, Blender, CAD library, python, pandas, pythonocc, Javascript

Rebars with IFC

I have developed algorithms and written codes to read and parse data from 2D CAD drawings and use this data for automatically generating rebars in the IFC model. The algorithm will also effectively place all the rebars as per its parent element with proper cover and spacing between them. The algorithm is also capable of understanding the orientation and location of the parent element too. The rebar thus generated has representation of 'AdvancedSweptSolid'

Tech Used: IFC Data Schema, IfcOpenShell, CAD library, python, pandas, pythonocc, Javascript

Bill of Quantities

I have written codes to generate a BOQ from the IFC model. These can generate retrieve Qto property from Psets of elements and output these in the form of an excel sheet which can be then shared with the other project stakeholders. The output generated include quantities wrt surface area, volume and counts.

Tech Used: IfcOpenShell, python, pandas, BlenderBIM